So we would like to give you an update on what we are currently working on.
First of all we are working on updating our product photos with better quality photos, over time you'll see better and different photos for our products, all to give you the best look at we have on offer.
Secondly we are currently working hard on integrating Mollie payment systems into our website to make checkout even more easy and smooth.
Lastly we have updated our return and guarantee policy, we now offer lifelong guarantee on all are items and a return period of 14 days if you might be unsatisfied with your product.
Of course new stuff is coming in by the day and we will try to upload as much as we can as soon as we can.
We hope you appreciate the update on our workings and of course keep checking the website regularly for updates on the best quality militaria out there.
If you have any questions do not hestitate to contact us!
Yours sincerely,
The Chasing Militaria Team

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Please let me know when you are updating your site.
Many thanks
Hi Troy,
Thanks for your comment!
I sent you an email.
Kind regards,